
Education Department


The education department offers Bachelor of Education (Primary Education and Early Childhood Education (ECE)), Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Bachelor of Education Honors (Primary).

Generic Graduate Profile
On successful completion of these programs, graduates should be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge, principles and skills embodied in the curriculum
  2. Critically evaluate, assess and judge arguments, ideas and theories
  3. Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  4. Demonstrate intellectual curiosity, creativity and openness to new ideas
  5. Efficiently and effectively communicate information to users with excellent interpersonal communication skills
  6. Articulate, observe and apply principles of good governance(ethical, social and sustainable environmental responsibility)
  7. Advance the application of information and communication technology (ICT) knowledge and skills
  8. Demonstrate excellent field research skills;9.Demonstrate leadership, teamwork and time management skills
  9. Uphold Christian values and respect the principles, values and ethics of the profession.
Program Name Area Of Interest Duration Type Campus
# ALL        
1. Education Studies
Curriculum Studies
Religious & Philosophical Studies
Complementary Studies
on campus
3 Years
Fulton Adventist University College
2. Education Studies
Curriculum Studies
Religious & Philosophical Studies
Complementary Studies
on campus
3 Years
Fulton Adventist University College