
The Academic Committee has delegated this responsibility to the Registrar to register all successful applicants. When the Registrar has questions she will consult the specific department concerned. The Registrar will report on admission to the Deputy Principal and the Academic Committee.

Fulton may decline to admit any persons in any year or course of study on the following grounds:

  • Applicants not satisfying the academic requirements of Fulton or of other higher institutions.
  • Applications exceeding the quotas that have been set by the Academic Committee for a given programme
  • Applicants not satisfying Fulton’s high moral standards.

Fulton reserves the right to decline admission to any person without necessarily specifying the reason.

Applicants will be advised by mail as soon as practicable that Fulton has received their applications. The Registrar will normally send an Offer Letter to successful applicants within one month of receiving your application.

Offers of a place at Fulton are open for a limited time only, and successful applicants must advise the Registrar in writing of their acceptance of the offer. Applicants who omit to advise the College within the given specified time may have their offers withdrawn and the Admissions Office may reallocate them to other applicants.

Overseas Students Immigration Requirements

All students traveling to Fulton from overseas must bring with them:

  1. Full open return airline/ship ticket
  2. Valid passport
  3. Police Clearance
  4. Medical Certificate
  5. 3 passport-size photographs
  6. Offer Letter
  7. Birth Certificate

Married students must also provide the following for their spouse and children:

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Medical Certificate
  3. Marriage Certificate
  4. Police Clearance (16 yrs and over)
  5. Two passport photos
  6. Open return airline/ship ticket

Under no circumstances may a student, or dependent relatives travel to Fiji without a full open return ticket or an onward ticket to a country where he/she has entry rights.

Upon arrival on campus, foreign students must deposit their passports and return ticket for safekeeping with the Director of Student Services.
